Welcome to our new website!  This is the first redesign of the website in many years and we are very excited about how God continues to use this as a tool to introduce people to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

To that end, you will notice that we have a number of changes to our website in this complete renovation.  We have new sections like this blog, a better sermon archive, a calendar of events and much more.  

I sincerely hope that you will not only explore our website but connect with us in person.  The internet is a wonderful tool but it is no replacement for true community and Christian fellowship and relationship.  God has designed this function to be accomplished in the body of believers as represented in the local church (1 Corinthians 12:12-27).  

If you have any comments or questions about Covenant Baptist Church or our ministries, please don't hesitate to contact us 

For Christ's glory and Covenant,

Pastor Christopher Powell